Tuesday, 7 September 2010

Ahoy there !

Ahoy evfurryone, my name iz Jack and I havs just come to live wiv my nuw Ma n Pa. I hope I get to know evfurryone as soon as I cans. I ams very nuw at this riting malarky so pleese excuze if I don’t always get it rite.

It may take me a while to get settled in so pleese bear wiv me as I ams doin so. Ma has tolded me you are all reely nice and furiendly which is komfortin foor me. I knows I ams a pirate pooch but I am a verry furiendly one so I won’t make anyones walk the plank or anyfing.

I am looking forward to meeting you all verry soon





  1. Jaaaaaaack...is you home yet?
    OH MY GOSH dis is sooooo exciting. You are absolutely gonna loves being here in Blogville. We has da best times...well sometimes we likes to pawty a little too much but dat okays.
    Please give your new pawrents a hug fur me!


  2. Hello Jack!!! Welcome aboard!! ARrGghhh!!!

    'da Josie loves Jack Sparrows and 'dis be funs gettin' to knows yous piratey adventures!!

    'da Josie

  3. Bubba & The Girls send a warm "welcome home" to Cap'n Jack.
    You are a very lucky buccaneer to have sailed into such a safe haven. Here's hoping your timbers never shiver.

  4. Hello deres Cap'n Jack!

    Welcome aboard! I am soo happy to meets you. :) You is gonna haves so much fun wif all of us!

    Woofs and Licks,
    Maggie Mae

  5. Hey there Jack!
    Neeko here :o)
    Welcome to the blogieville.
    We are sooo happy you ended up with Angel Molly's parents. You are going to have a wonderful life with them and we are going to make sure you are going to have fun with us :o)
    Hope to see pictures of you soon. We LOVE pictures.
    Also so happy to learn that you like to cuddle because your Momma and Papa need that very much.
    Please, give them a Big smooch from meeee.

    Neeko :o)
    P.S. Listen to Angel Molly's coaching...

  6. Jack - so glad you are here! I know we are going to be great buddies - though I don't know anything about pirates so maybe you can fill me in!

    Your pal, Pip

  7. Oh Captain Jack...WELCOME HOME!!!!

    We are pretty sure you have some of the bestest humans ever and are so very sure you are going to have some pawsome adventures!!

    Smileys & Snuggles!
    Dory, Jacob and Bilbo

  8. Ohhh... I do love me a good Pirate!

  9. Hello Jack,
    I just want you to know that I am a very fast runner so you better watch out beclaws I am following you fur reals!
    I swear, pirates do get around...I've seen your name everywheres and I got curious and had to come by to take a look and boy are you cute! Are you currently single or are you taken? I am scouting around fur more boyfriends if you are interested! BOL!
    Your coonhound pal,

  10. Welcome home!!! We've been so excited to make your acquaintance! (That means be furends - I looked it up.)


  11. Hi, Jack!
    Welcome home!
    I know you are going to be very happy with your Mom and Dad!
    I will be reading your posts to know you better!
    Take care
    Kisses and hugs


Pleese leeve your mark even if it be an X