Wednesday 5 January 2011

I know we is

supposed to be havin a few days break from da postin butts it has come to my , Ronniis and Da Momsters attenshun dat two ovs our furiends havs da sickies. My sweet Puddles is havin da waterworks problems and as Frankie putted it is peein her brains out and Lovely Lola has da bad leg and it could be da evil FSF at works. She is goin to see her speshul Dogtor later so hopefully da Doc will sorts it out quick smart so she does not gets worse. A big Fank Yu to her little bruvver Franklin for lettin us all know she is poorly.

I don’t know ifs any ovs yu knows Wilf but he is doin okays at da moment he has developed die-ah-beeties on top ovs his ova problems now but he is holdin his own at da moment which is awesome. Hims blog is da first fing Da Momster looks at when she gets da lappy top humming in da morning

So we needs our Power ovs Da Paw to get working fer our furiends, I knows how Da Momster gets when we is not feeling good so we feels for our furiends Moms n Pops. So we sendin out worldwide snuggles to all ovs da Moms n Pops as well.

My little sis is not feelin to fab at da moment it seems Da Momster got it all wrong when she fort she was in da season before cos Boy is Miss Bossy Knickers crabby rites now ! She is deffo in da season now with no mistaking its……. BOL. I finks it is making her tummy aches a little too so even I is feelin sorry fer her even tho she only gettin crabby wivs me. ( can’t blame her tho I does keeps stickin my nose where I shouldn’t butts I really can’t help myself ).

I wants to Fanks all ovs yu fer da good wishes yu has left Da Momster for her ree-voo dis week, dey has given her da warm fuzzies and we all know how nice dat feels. We is all much appre-she-ay-ting da support speshully da Momster.

Anyway I is off to go snuggles up wivs Da Momster and MIss Bossy Knickers now and hopefully I can pursuade Moms to hand ova some ovs her Twiglets  20070815twiglets  Mmmmmmm Nommy.




  1. Wait! Did I miss a post? I didn't see da one bouts your mom! I must go back, I don't likes being outta da loop! But, I wanna go ahead and wish her well and I hope so much her has a good evaluation, my paws will be crossed fur her.

    Uh, I knows nuttin bouts doggies bein' in saeson so I can't helps ya out theres...hehehe!

    Don't worry bout me, I is in top shape nows and feeling fine as wine. And I believe I still has my brains:)
    We is thinking powerful thoughts dat Lola gets betters and her sickies don't advance.


  2. You are so good to be thinking about all your furiends. We have our paws crossed too - we didn't know about Lola but we hope she is going to be OK too. Wilf is quite the fighter. We are going to send out our strongest sibe vibes for all to be well and for your Mom's review to go very well.

    Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

  3. What a guy you are to be worrying about these other dogs when you have your mom and sister to take care of. Don't you worry about Lola or Puddles, we will take care of them. I hear Puddles is fine anyway. You take care of your mom and little sister.

    Your pal, Pip

  4. Awww... my sweet friend Richie! What a BIG heart you have to worry about your friends when you have enough on your plate already.

    Paws crossed for your Mommy's review and for your Sis's moods to get back in shape :o)

    Neeko :o)

  5. Ummmm when Pip says Take Care of your little sister... I don't think he means it in the way you Might be contemplating... after all the sniffin.
    You know that we all have our paws crossed and are sending super strength your way... you just make sure your momma gets them.
    Well maybe you could stick a couple of the VIBES on poor little Ronnii too.

  6. We sure hope Miss Ronnii is feeling better soon! We've had our paws crossed for Lola and Puddles since yesterday!


  7. Thank you for posting abouts our furends, Richie. That was awfully sweet and thoughtful of you. And I hopes that Ronnii gets back to her regular Ronnii-self soon! Our paws are all crossed here for everybuddy!

    Wiggles & Wags,

  8. Hi, Richie!
    Paws crossed here for Puddles (who is feeling better now), for Lola and for your Mom!
    I hope Ronnii is doing well too!
    Take care
    Kisses and hugs

  9. We LOVED the cartoon from your last post! Mama used to have a cat like that. We sure hope your mum's status review is full of good news, and that Miss Ronnii gets better soon. Probably not useful, but the fact that Ronnii has had 2 apparent seasons so close together reminds mama of a past experience when she was keeping her sister's cats. Same story with the female cat; we even thought she was preggers. Turned out she had a huge ovarian tumor [benign] that had to be surgically removed. Once she was spayed, she was perfectly fine. We know you have other health considerations with Miss Ronnii and spaying, but we wanted to offer the experience in case it helps.

    We follow Wilf faithfully. We're off to check on Lola. We were glad to read Puddles own testimony that she is all better.

    Take care!

    Jed & Abby

  10. You are a sweet and caring friend! I"m so glad I found your blog! I'll send healing doggy thoughts your way.
    Snuggles to you to.

    Your pal,

  11. Hellos, I's dropping by to check on momma Tea.



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